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Elizabeth SMOOT

Female Abt 1640 -

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  1. 1.  Elizabeth SMOOT was born about 1640 (daughter of William W. SMOOT and Grace UNK).

    Family/Spouse: Humphrey ATWICKS. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

Generation: 2

  1. 2.  William W. SMOOT was born about 1598 in Holland or England (son of Unk SMOOT); died about 1670 in St. Mary's County, Maryland.


    Notes for William Smoot:
    The following notes were supplied by Donna Bott of Valdese, North Carolina:
    Was in London in 1633 as a member of the Boatwright Guild. He agreed to work for 50 days in Virginia for Colonel Thomas Burbage, sailing from England to settle at Hampton, York County (now Elizabeth City, VA). It is not clear exactly when he came to America.

    First public record 24 Feb 1642 when granted 400 acres of land in Yorke County on the north side of the Charles River near the head of Tymber Creek. To Maryland in 1646; lived on 300 acres, "Smoote", in Poplar Hill Hundred, St. Mary's County. Also 400 acres, "Smootly" in Manor of West St. Mary's on the west side of Wicomico River at the head of Smoot's Branch.

    Probably raised in England and took oath there or in Virginia.

    Planter, carpenter, shipwright. He designed and built vessels used in trade between Maryland and Virginia. How big these vessels or enterprise is not clear, two vessels were pinnaces, small sailing ships.

    In 1644 William Smute gave George Codd 3 barrels of corn and clothes for fulfilling his indentured service.

    William Smute fought in the campaign against the Pamunky and Chicka hominy Indians, receiving 600 pounds of tobacco 1 Oct 1644 for his services.

    12 Jun 1647 granted by Lord Baltimore's Land Office 300 acres near the mouth of Herring Creek on the manor of New Towne in what is now St. Mary's County, MD.

    17 Apr 1650, William Smoot and his son-in-law, William Hungerford, signed Stone's declaration saying "We the said Lieutenant, Council, Burgesses, and other Protestant inhabitants (enjoy) all fitting and convenient freedom and liberty in the exercise of our religion under his Lordship's Government and interest."

    Per Timothy A. Colcord from his collection at the Charles County Community College, La Plata, MD; lived at Wicomica River.

    Claimed land in 1646 for the transportation of 7 people wife Grace and children, Aels, Ann, Elizabeth, Richard, Thomas and Elizabeth, daughter of Grace.

    William was alive when his wife died in Jan 1666 but dead by 1670.

    "The Smootes of Maryland and Virginia"; Mr. Harry Wright Newman:
    The Smoote family, who were William Smoote's ancestors of earlier days, were natives of Netherland. Marriages occured between the House of Smoote and the noblity and gentry of that Province. A coat-of-arms was found. William Smoote of Maryland had the name and traditions of the Dutch House of Smoot and those in Maryland bore a coat-of-arms.

    Meet Your Ancestors, Noland (Hubbard) Bowling:
    Aug 1637, William Smoote witnessed the deed of William Reynolds to Thomas Denham. Deeds, Orders, Wills No. 1, page 64 York Co., VA.

    At some time William Smoote paid for the transportation of eight persons to the Virginia Colony. The names of these people were omitted on the patent he received. It is normal to think they were members of his own family and perhaps some who would be in his employment. They positively arrived some time before the following patent was granted to him, quoting; "To all &c whereas now known yee that give and grant unto William Smeete fouer hundred acres of Land in the Countie of Yorke neare the head of a Creeke called Tymber Neck Creeke on the north side of Charles river beginning at certaine marked trees that runs from Timber Neck Creeke north northwest three hundred eightie pole and divides this Land from the Lands of McMinifer and from thence East north East two hundred and fiftie poles South South East into a branch of Timber Neck Creeke and then down the branch unto he marked trees where it begann which four hundred acres of land being due unto him by and for the transportation of eight persons into this Colony to have and to hold &c to bee held &c yarling and paying &c which payment is to bee made seaven years after this iiiith of February 1642. Cavaliers & Pioneers - Nugent.

    William Smoote and family resided in York Co., VA in the years 1642 to 1646. He was a boatwright during those years and attended to his affairs through the courts as was the custom of that era. They resided in Hampton and it was there that he carried on his construction of various types of boats, such as the early settlers needed. He moved to Maryland in 1645. He placed his estate into the possession of Joseph Hill who stood bound with him for a debt to be paid to Ashwell Batten on the following Nov 10, 1645. This covered his real estate and personal property.

    Apr 6, 1646, a survey was ordered for 300 acres of land for William Smoote, his wife and his two children, who came into the Province in 1646.

    At some time in Virginia William Smoote married the second time Mrs. Grace Wood, a widow. They were the parents of Elizabeth Wood - William Smoote named Elizabeth as his wife's daughter.

    There has not been found anything regarding any administration of his estate. They may have been lost.

    Archives of Maryland LIII, Charles Co., Page 7:
    Upon demand of John Neuil, Plantiff against William Smoote Defendant: in an actione of thecase & no cause of action apearing the Plantiue is thear upon nonsuted.

    Archives of Maryland LIII, Charles Co., Page 542:
    10 Jan 1664. William Smoote presents Ales Broune to have her age judged of who is judged to bee twenty too years old.

    Archives of Maryland LIII, Charles Co., Page 155:
    19 Nov 1661. William Smoote by his Atturney Mr Thomas Turner Prefered his Petition as followeth To the Worshipfull Henry Addames and the rest of the Commissioners of Charleses County the humble petition of William Smoote humbly shewethThat Whearas the Estate of Mr Edward Prescote standeth indebted unto your Petitioner the some of 260 tb of tob: by agreement as your Petitioner Can make appeare and seuerall other sums of tob: upon account as will sufficiently after appeare your petitioner upon the account the sayd Prescote is at this time non resident humbly Craueth attachment against the sayd Prescots Estate to the valew of one thowsand fiue hundered and fifty pound of tob: with Caske and for the Confirmatione of the sayd Petition produceth this Condition as followeth That whearas by a disater my sloope hath bin broken and this day agreeing with William Smoote to repaire the sayd Sloope firme and good as formarly with a Cratch and Case for the mast for four hundered and fifty pounds of tob: for worke done to my long boate I oblige my self to pay the sayd sum of four hundered and eighty pounds of tob: upon demand and acknowledg to haue payd too hundered and twenty thearof by a bill of John Wood and for performance of the remainder I oblige my self to pay it in drames at my returne from the Manathanes as witnes my hand this twentith forth day of March A 1659 . Edward Prescott. Hugh Bonding, John Buckner. The sayd Prescott not hauing any Atturney in this Place to obiect any thing against the sayd Smoots demand by his Atturney it is ordered that the sayd Smoot may haue an Attachment against the estate of the sayd Prescot according unto his Petition. Whearas Mr Francis Doughty had a referance granted him against the suit of Joane Michell from the last Court to this and neither of them apearing nor any atturney for either of them it is ordered the the action shoold die. William Smoot haueing obtayned a referance the last Court against the suit of Mr James Linsey to prepare himself to defend his Cause and hauing nothing to obiect against the sayd Linsey formar Declaratione The sayd Linsey by his Atturney George Thompson Craued an Order according unto his formar petition, which was granted.

    Archives of Maryland LIII, Charles Co., Page 148:
    1659. William Smoot Desireth that Mr. Robert Sly might have his oath given him concerning a debt dew from Mr. Edward Prescod to him the sayd Smoote which is granted. Mr. Robert Sly aged 34 yeares or thearabouts sworne and examined in open court sayeth that thear was a debt to the best of this deponants memorie of nine hundred and ode Pounds of tobacco that William Smoote was engaged unto this Deponant and for satisfaction the sayd Smoote Procured a noate of Mr. Edward Prescod to pay this deponant too hogsheads the one liing at goodman Courtses and the other at Edward Swans to the best of this deponants Rememberance and according to order by Mr Prescods noat this Deponant Sent immediately Mr. Nanfan to looke upon the sayd hogssets which Mr Prescod Pretended to this Deponant to bee extra ordinarie good tobacco but when Mr. Nanfan had seen them that at Mr. Swans enclining to a rote but that at John Courtses more sound but paked with ground leaves beeing so ill Conditioned durst not receave them neither had this deponant any satisfaction of the sayd debt that year and further sayeth not.

    Archives of Maryland LIII, Charles Co., Page 149:
    25 Sep 1661. Miss Mary Vanderdunke Plaintiff vs. Christopher Russell Defendant. William Smoote aged 63 sworne and Examined in an open Court sayeth that hee was not sent unto the Plaintife by the defendant and that hee braught the Plaintife unto the defendant and that hee doth verily think she saved his life under God and further sayeth not.

    Archives of Maryland LIII, Charles Co., Page 396:
    1659. Henry Allday the Atturney of Mr. Edward Prescot Plantiff vs. William Smoote by his Atturney Capt. Josias Fendall Defendant. This buisnes beeing respited from the last Court the defendant demanding his letter of Atturney and upon perusall of the same alleaged that they Coold not satisfie any debt to the Plaintiff dew to the sayd Edward Prescott because hee had not Power by vertue of his letter of Atturney ti give either receipts or discharges which the Plantife not beeing abell to produce. It is ordered that this suit bee dismissed.

    Archives of Maryland LIII, Charles Co., Page 68:
    6 Apr 1660. William Smoote Entereth a Caveat Concerninge A Debt Dew to him from the Estate of John Webb Deceased he makeing the first Demand.

    Archives of Maryland LIII, Charles Co., Page 69:
    17 Apr 1660. William Smoote Pettetioninge the Court to Administer on the Estate of John Webb Deceassed, he beinge Indebted to him, It is ordered that the said William Smoote take the said Estate into his possestion and get it Lawfully Apraysed, and Retorne the Inventorye into the Office.

    Archives of Maryland LIII, Charles Co., Page 141:
    24 Sep 1661. Mr James Linsey Plaintiff vs. William Smoot Defendant. The Plaintif as Administrator to John Webs Estate Prefereth his petition as followeth: To the Worshipful Commissioners of Charles County the humble Petition of James Linsey most humbly sheweth: That Whereas your Petitioner is the Administraotr of Jon Web and is by his letter of Administration Compelled to give in an account of the Estat of John Web aforsayd into the Secretaries office and Part of the Estat Remayning in the hands of William Smoote who denies to surrender it up unto your Petitioner and thearby your Petitioner is disenabled to fulfill his Obligation The Premisses beeing taken into your serious Considerations your Petitioner most humbly Craveth Releef with cost and Charge of suit.

    Archives of Maryland LIII, Charles Co., Page 332:
    26 Mar 1662. William Marshall by his Atturney & Samuell Dobson Plantiue . William Smoote by his Attorney & Thomas Lomax Defendant . The Plantiue aresting the defendant in an action of debt prefered his petion and bill as followeth: To the worshipfull Commissioners of Charles County the humble Petition of samuell dobson Atturney to William Marshall Sheweth That William Smoote standeth indebted to your Petitioner the iust quantitie of one thowsand three hundered and twenty pounds of tobacco and Caske as by specialty your petitioner can iustly make appear from under his owne hand The Premisses Considered your petitioner humbly Craueth order from this worshipfull board that william Smoot shall forthwith make satisfaction to your petitioner for the aboue sayd sum of tobacco and Caske and Cost and Charge of suit and your petitioner shall humbly pray and for the Confirmation of the sayd Petition the Plantiue produced this ensuing bill This bill bindeth mee William smoote my heirs Executors Admin istrators to pay or Cause to bee payd unto William Marshall his heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes the full and iust quantitie of thirteen hundered and twenty pounds of marchantable leafe tobacco and Caske to bee payd at or upon the tenth day of nouember next at one intier payment at sum Conuenient Place in Wicocomeco riuer in witnes whearof I haue hearunto set my hand this 26th day of March A 1662. William Smoote his marke. witnes George Gilberd, William Tourner. for which the Defendant Confesseth a iudgment It is thearfor ordered that the defendant pay unto the plantiue thirteene hundered and twenty pounds of tobacco and Caske with Cost and Charge of suit.

    Archives of Maryland LIII, Charles Co., Page 26:
    Nov 1658. Richard Trew Plaintiff, William Robinson Defendant. The Plantife arresting the defendant in an Actione of the Case which in Court go he maketh appear to bee for Satisfactione for a boat which hee the Sayd obisson in Companie with Edward Parker baught of Goodman William Smoote, the Plantiue and the Sayd Smoot beeing at that time in the worke Partener togeather and the Payment for the Sayd boate falling unto the afor Sayd Plantiues Share hee proceeded the defendant not beeing Prepared to answer the Sute craueth a Referance which was granted him the Plantiue hauing his witnesses thear readie most humblie desiereth that thay may haue the oaths taken which was granted him. William Empson Aged 28 years or thearabouts Sworne and examined in open Court Sayeth that about three years agoe William Robisson & Edward Parker beeing at the hows of Thomas Baker this deponant asked them wheither thay wear going, and William Robis son made Answer and Sayd to goodman Smoots to fetch up a boate that thay had baught of goodman Smoote & further Sayeth not Samuel Parker Aged 24 years or thear abouts Sworne & examined in open Court Sayeth that about 3 years agoe the deponant asked the Sayd Robisson and Edward Parker thay beeing at the depo: brother Bachelors hous whear thay had the boate thay came up in and William Robisson made answer, and Sayed that thay had baught it of Goodman Smoot and further Sayeth not.

    Archives of Maryland LIII, Charles Co., Page 343:
    17 Mar 1662. Caecilius Absolut Lord and Proprietary of the Prouinces of Maryland and Aualon Lord barren of Baltemor & to all Persons to whom thees Presants shall cum greeting in owr Lord God Euerlasting know yee that wee for and in Consideration that William Smoot of owr Prouince hath dew unto him too hundered acres of Land Assigned him from John Lewger Junior as appears upon Record and upon such Conditions and tearmes as are exprest in owr Condition of Plantation of owr sayd Prouince of Mariland under owr greater seal at Armes baring daet at London the second day of July in the year of owr Lord God one thowsand six hundered and forty nine and Re maining upon record in owr sayd Prouince doe hearby grant unto the sayd William Smoote all that tract or parcell of land liing on the west sid of wicocomeco Riuer begining at a marked oake standing at a littel Creeke near the land formarly layd out for rancis Pope runing north and by East from the sayd Oake for the lenght of one hundered and sixty Pearches to a marked oake standing at the hie grounds bounding on the north with a line drawne East and by south for the lenght of too hundered Perches to a marked oake on the East Wth a line drawn South and by west from the end of the formar line untill it intercect a parrarell line drawne from the first marked oake on the south with the sayd Parrarell on the west with the forsayd north and by East line Contayning and now layd out for too hundered Acres more or lesse together with all profits Rights and Benefits thearunto belonging Royall mines excepted to haue and to hould the same unto him the sayd William Smoot his heirs and Assignes for euer to bee houlden of us and owr heirs as of owr manner of St Maries in free and Common Sockage by fealty only for all saruices yealding and paying thearfor yearly unto us and owr heirs at owr Receipt at St Maries at the too most usuall feasts in the year videlicet at the feast of the annuntiation of the blessed Virgin Mary and at the feast of St Michell the Archangell by euen and equall portion the Rent of four Shillings Starling in siluer or gold or the full valew thearof in such Commodities as we and owr heirs or such officer or officers appoynted by us or owr heirs from time to time to Collect and receaue the sam shall accept in discharg thearof at the Choice of us and owr heirs or such officer or officers as aforsayd giuen at St Maries under owr great seall of owr sayd Prouince of Mariland the six and twentith day of May in the twentith six year of owr dominion of owr sayd Prouince of Mariland A Dni 1658 witnes owr trusty and well beloued Josias fendall Esq owr liuetennant of owr sayd Prouince. Josias Fendall Endossed on the backe of the sayd Patten as followeth: Be it knowne unto all men that I william Smoot doe assigne and make ouer all my right and title of this patten to Richard Smoot his heirs Administrators or Assignes as witnes my hand this 28th of may A 1658 William W Smoot his marke. Test Edmond James and william Barton and acknowledged by the sayd Smoote and his wife hear in open Court Bee it knowne unto all men by thees Presants that I Richard Smoote doe resigne and make ouer all my right and title of this patten unto Gils Tornkins his heirs Administrators or assignes as witness my hand this 22 of Nouember A Dni 1659. Richard Smoot his marke. Witnes William Barton iunior John Gooldsmith.

    Bee it knowne unto all men by thees Presants that I Gils Tornkins doe assigne and make ouer from mee my heirs unto John Morris his heirs or Assignes all my right and titell of this Pattent for euer as witnes my hand this 17th of March A Dni 1660 Giles A Tornkins his marke. Test Georg Newman, Walter Hall. And acknowledged to the sayd Morris now in open Court: Caecilius Absolute Lord and Proprietarie of the Prouinces of Mariland and Aualon Lord Baron of Baltemor & to all Person to whom thees presants shall Come greeting know yee that wee for and in Consideration that william Smoot of Owr Prouince of Mariland Planter hath four hundered Acres of land dew to him in owr sayd Prouince for transporting Elisabet Ann and aels smoot his Daughter and Elisabeth wood his wifes daughter into owr sayd Prouince befor the one thowsand six hundered and fifty one thear to inhabit and dwell and upon such Conditions and tearmes as are expressed in owr Condition of Plantation of owr sayd Prouince under owr greater scale at Armes baring daet at London the second day of July in the yeare of owr Lord one thowsand six hundered and forty nine Remaining upon Record in owr sayd Prouince doe hearby grant unto the sayd William Smoo all that Parcell of land Liing on the west side of Wickokomeco River beginning at a marked Oake the Bound tree of John hatches land and bounding on the East with a line drawne north an by west from the sayd oake for the lenght of too hundered Pearches to an oake standing neare the land of John Courts on the north with a line drawne west and bee south from the end of the formal- line for the lenght of three hundered and twenty perches to a marked red Oake standing upon the head of a branch Called Smots Branche till it intercects a parrarell line drawne from the sayd hatches Oake on the south with the sayd Parrarell Containing and now Layd out for four hundered Acres more or lesse together with all profits rights and benefits thearunto belonging Royall mines Ex-cepted to haue and to hould the same unto him the sayd William Smoote his heirs and assignes foreuer to bee holden of us and owr heirs as of owr manner of West St Marys in free and Common sockage by fealty only for all saruices yealding and paying thearfor yearly unto us and owr heirs at owr suall Receipt at St Maries at the feast of the Natiuitie of owr Lord the rest of eight Shillings in mony starling or the full valew thearof in such Commodities as wee and owr heirs or such officer or officers appoynted by us and owr heirs from time to time to Collect and receaue the same shall accept in discharge thearof at the Choyce of us and owr heirs or such officer or officers as aforsayd giuen at St Maries under the Great scale of owr sayd Prouince of Mariland the 26th day of January in the th year of owr dominion of owr sayd Prouince A Doni 1652 witnes owr liuetentnant of owr sayd Prouince of Mariland. William Stone. Endosed on the bake of the specificed Patten as followet and acknowledged in open Court by the say smoote and his wife Grace Thees Presants witneseth that I william Smoote doe assigne set and make ouer all my right of this within specified Patten unto humphery Attwicks and Richard Smoot as witnes this my hand this twentith eight of May A 1656 marke of William Smoote, test Christopher Russell .

    Know all men by thees Presants that I Richard Smoote doe assigne my whole wright and titell of this Patten unto Thomas Michell or his Assignes as witnes my hand this 8th day of January A 1656. Richard Smoote. test humphery Atwicks Tho: Lomax

    Know all men by thees Presants that I Thomas Michell of the Prouince of Mariland doe hearby make ouer from mee my heirs or Assignes all my Right titell and interest of this within mentioned patten unto humphery Attwicks of the sayd Prouince his heirs or Assignes witnes my hand this 3d of may A 1659. Thomas Michell. testes henry more, Tho Lomax. And this Court acknowledged by the Joane Michell the relict of the said Michell. Humphrey Atwicks and his wif Elisabeth acknowledgeth thear assignment of this patent from them and thear heirs unto Thomas Percie his heirs and assignes for ever March the 17th AD 1662 in open Court ut testimonium facit.

    Archives of Maryland LIII. Charles Co., Page 246:
    29 Sep 1662. Know all men by these Preseants that I William Smoote of Charleses County in the Province of Mariland Boatwright Doe hearby constitute and appoynt Thomas Lomax of the sayd County my trew and Lawfull Attorney in my name and stead to answer all suits in law that is or may bee Commenced against mee in the sayd Countie Court as also to Commence and plead to any suit or suit in law on my behalf in the sayd Court as hee shall thinck fit and see cause to bee Commenced, hearby Ratifiing and allowing whatsoeuer my sayd Atturney shall doe to bee as fully in force as if I my self wear personally presant witnes this my hand this 29fh of September 1662. William Smoote the marke. Testes Josias Fendall, John Black.

    William Smoote pl came to prosecute the suite by him Commenced against ThomasThorowgood.Thomas Thorowgood Def came also & Appeared to defd the suite cornenced against him by Wm Smoote. Wm Smoot PI. Thom. Thorowgood Def And whereupon the sd pl. Complaineth against the sd Thom. for the whereas the sd Thom did in th xxxvii yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius 1668 agree With & faithfully promise unto the sd William that is to say that he the sd Thomas would well & truly teach W Hungerford to write & Cast Accts in Consideracon whereof the sd William did pay unto him the sd Thom one boate of foureteene foot by the Keele one Cow & one yearleing Heffer Yet notwfhstanding the sd Thom his sd obligacon & agreement little regarding but minding & fraudulently intending him the sd William of the sd boate & Cattle to deceive neither hath performed his sd agreem' but shortly after goeing out of the Country th sd youth negligently did leave untaught & now doth altogether refuse to make him the sd William any reparacon whereby th sd William sth he is damnified to the Valew of 2900 lbs of tobacco & thereupon he bringeth his suite Whereupon the Def replied that the pl. never made any bargaine With him for to teach the sd youth Wth his mother Mrs Legatt & that when he was out of the Country Mr Blakiston did teach the said youth. And hereupon the Court found noe Cause of Action Therefore It was ordered that a Nonsuite pass against the PI. the Costs & chargs of suite, whereupon the Defendant prefered this bill of Cost Which was allowed him. 3 daies Attendance. ...... .30. ............. 90; 2 Witness 3 daies aps ......30.............. 180; A nonsuite .............................. 050 - Total 320.

    Archives of Maryland LX, Charles Co., Page 112:
    These may Satisfie all whom it may Concerne That I William Smoote of Charles Countie in the Province of Maryland Boatewright for a valueable Consideracon in hand allreadie receaved have Sold to Mrs Bridget Legate one Cowe of this marke that is to Say on the Right care an underkeele and. on the Left eare and underkeele and an overkeele, and going by the name of Cole to her and her heires with the male and female increase for ever And doe by these presents engage my Seife that the said Mrs Legate shall quietlie and peaceablie enjoy the said Cowe th her increase without being molested by me or my heires Executors or Administrators, or anie other person or persons whatsoever As witness my hand this 14th Day of June 1667. William Smoote his marke. Witnessed by us Thomas Smoote and Walter Davies

    William married Grace UNK in Virginia. Grace was born before 1625; died on 14 Jan 1665 in Charles County, Maryland. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  2. 3.  Grace UNK was born before 1625; died on 14 Jan 1665 in Charles County, Maryland.
    1. Anne SMOOT was born about 1641 in York County, Virginia; died in Jul 1662 in Charles County, Maryland.
    2. 1. Elizabeth SMOOT was born about 1640.
    3. Thomas SMOOT was born before 1665 in Pickawaxon Hundred, Charles County, Maryland; died on 30 Jan 1705 in Charles County, Maryland.
    4. Alice SMOOT was born about 1642.

Generation: 3

  1. 4.  Unk SMOOT was born in in Possibly Netherland.
    1. 2. William W. SMOOT was born about 1598 in Holland or England; died about 1670 in St. Mary's County, Maryland.

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